During our initial meetings, I’ll help you get a grasp on your property. If you’ve owned a house for a while and have seen it constantly, sometimes it’s easy to become a bit blind to the reality of your home's condition. One of the helpful services that I provide to my seller clients is to help them see the house through a buyer’s eyes.
Comparable Market Analysis & Property Pricing
A helpful report that I will provide as part of my professional services is called a Comparable Market Analysis ("CMA"). In this report, I’ll help you evaluate the home by comparing it to recently sold homes in the same region. I’ll also show you homes that are currently on the market, which will be your competition once we put the house on the market. We need to evaluate your home not only based on recent sales, since this is the data that an appraiser will use in evaluating the home, but we also need to ensure that your home is competitively priced compared to other options buyers might be looking at. This information will help determine an appropriate list price for your home. Depending on how long it takes to get your house ready to go on the market, I may prepare updated CMAs due to the constantly changing market conditions.
Recommended Home Updates
Sometimes little projects with minimal investment can completely change the way buyers view your home. For example, painting cabinetry or changing out outdated or damaged light fixtures can completely transform a home. I will help you identify items which would be easy upgrades which would help as buyers evaluate your home. Most buyers are looking for a house that is turn-key and move-in-ready, and they’re willing to pay for it.
I can also help you evaluate the potential consequences of doing more large scale upgrades, like a bathroom remodel or electrical upgrade. If you have projects like that which you’ve been considering, but not sure whether it’ll make sense financially, I’m happy to assist you with some real market data on which home upgrades pay off.