Now that you’re moving into your new home, it’s time to protect your investment and protect your family!
Change Your Locks
While you received a handful of keys after closing, there’s absolutely no way to determine how many other sets of those same keys are floating around in the world (in possession of contractors, tenants, neighbors, etc). Changing your locks upon move in is the #1 security measure that I recommend to all new property owners. The very first thing you should do is re-key or change the locks out on your house. It’s relatively inexpensive to make sure your home is secure and that your family is the only one in possession of the keys. Click here to see a list of recommended locksmiths in the area. Bonus tip - if you purchased a home warranty, it’s possible that changing the locks could be included as part of their coverage for your house. Before calling the locksmith, it’s worth checking in with your home warranty provider to see if this service is included.
Plan On Getting Locked Out
While you’re addressing your lock situation, what’s your plan if you get locked out of the house? Will you have a hidden key or a lockbox somewhere on the property? If you choose to use a lockbox, be sure that it’s in a hidden location not easily seen from the street.
Check Functionality of Locks & Windows
I suggest walking through your house and testing all doors and windows to ensure that they all have functioning lock systems.
Set up a Security System
This may look different for different people. Some home owners like to have their whole house monitored for intrusions, fire, etc, while for others it’s most important to have a camera monitoring physical activity outside of your home. Only you can decide what level of security is right for you & your family, but I suggest considering this for your own peace of mind.
Invest in Window Coverings & Lighting Timer
If your house will be left unattended for any time, I recommend closing your window blinds to reduce temptation of random passers-by. If people can’t see directly into your house, the likelihood of a burglary is likely reduced. It’s also a great idea to buy lighting timers to turn on at particular times of day & night. This will give the house a sense of life and will hopefully deter anyone who is watching the property with malicious intent.