We're moving swiftly towards to our closing date! Please be prepared to be completely out of the property by the day and time specified in our sale agreement.
Clean the Property
Unless otherwise specified in our agreement with the buyer, at a minimum, the house should be left in "broom swept" condition. But... the cleaner you make the home prior to closing, the happier the buyers will be! Let me know if you need a reference to house cleaners or professional moving companies.
Remove Personal Property
Please be sure to remove any personal property (anything that is not affixed to the home or the property) from the home which is not part of the sale agreement. Don't forget to remove the following items from the house prior to closing:
old paint cans (if you've got paint that matches the house and you think it would be valuable to the buyer, let me know and I'll ask the buyer if they want it to be left at the property)
cleaning supplies, household chemicals and herbicides
planters and outdoor furniture/ornaments
all garbage and debris
Any appliances or personal property that was included in the sale agreement, or being sold outside of escrow, should remain at the home.
Final Garbage Pick-Up
You'll want to have your garbage picked up one final time (possibly during the week after closing) if there are items remaining in the trash can at closing. Please advise me if this is the case, and be sure to leave your garbage can at the curb for the pick up day.
The yard and exterior of the home should be left in substantially the same condition they were in when the property was active on the market. If a final lawn mowing is needed, please address that before closing is finalized. If you need a landscaper reference, just let me know.
Keys, Garage Door Openers
I will handle coordination with the buyer's agent regarding the buyer obtaining keys, garage door openers, etc. Be prepared to leave all of your spare keys, garage door openers, and any appliance/systems operation manuals for the buyers on the kitchen countertop prior to closing.
If you have codes for any lockboxes left at the property, or any garage door opener keypads, please let me know what the codes are so I can pass them along to the buyers after closing.
Utility Transfers
Within the final 3 days leading up to closing, it would be a good time to move forward with calling all utility companies to let them know that you're selling the house & would like to transfer service to the buyers. Click here for a list of Clatsop County Utilities & Important Contacts.
Homeowners Insurance Cancellation
This is important! DO NOT cancel your insurance policy on the home until AFTER closing is 100% finalized.
Personal Note to Buyer
If you'd like to do so, feel free to leave a personal note to the buyer and/or small housewarming gift to help welcome the buyers to their new property. Some sellers like to leave their personal contact information for the buyer, in case any questions come up in the future; others prefer not to have contact with the buyers after closing. This is entirely up to you and what makes you most comfortable.